Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Coming Along

We've been working and planning and working. When we decided to open a preschool/day care at home we were in the midst of remodeling. We had been in the midst for over a year. We knew what needed to be done, but the work seemed overwhelming, so we kept putting it off. We kept finding other...er...easier things to do instead. Now however there is no turning back. In addition to knocking down a wall and closing off another one, we also have furniture to paint and buy and a backyard that needs immediate attention.

Needless to say we've been like beavers here. Painting, sanding, digging, in addition to all the regular stuff such as making meals, running errands, cleaning house and laundry. Oh yes, also summer finally arrived...so you know we are trying to enjoy that too.

I love the colors we've picked for the preschool and the furniture in it. It's all so soothing. It's so easy to get the work done when you are loving the results. The curriculum will be very Waldorf inspired. I do plan to incorporate other methods also, I'm not a purist. The menu is still in the planning stages because I'm not quite sure if I'll be serving the kids lunch. At this point it's looking like just two snacks and they can bring lunch from home. I have a few snack items on a menu I'll be posting soon.

Now, must get some sleep because I have a big day of painting tomorrow. Can't wait!

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